por Alfredo Gonzalez | Jun 12, 2014 | hidden_category
Artículo de The Associated Press acerca de las ventas minoristas en EEUU. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — Las ventas al detalle en Estados Unidos aumentaron por cuarto mes consecutivo en mayo, una prueba adicional de que el gasto de consumo...
por Alfredo Gonzalez | Jun 12, 2014 | hidden_category
Analysis about Florida’s economic growth in comparison to the rest of the US. Florida’s economy grew faster than the national average last year, the first time that has happened since the onset of the Great Recession. Florida’s economic output — the...
por Alfredo Gonzalez | Mar 4, 2014 | hidden_category
Encuestados afirman que Venezuela está en crisis económica. En el Venebarómetro de febrero de 2014, con trabajo de campo a finales de enero de 2014, el 72,9 de los encuestados afirmó estar de acuerdo que en Venezuela se vive una crisis económica y el 57,8% expresó...
por Alfredo Gonzalez | Dic 6, 2013 | hidden_category
By Ylan Q. Mui, Friday, December 6, 2013 The U.S. economy added 203,000 jobs in November, according to government data released Friday morning, continuing several months of solid gains and raising hopes that the recovery is ready for takeoff. The Labor Department...
por Alfredo Gonzalez | Nov 11, 2013 | hidden_category
BY WILL YAKOWICZ If you’ve been waiting to sell, the time is ripe. Both buyers and sellers have been plowing back into the market Small-business owners, time to rejoice: The seller’s market looks like it’s finally heating up after three years of...
por Alfredo Gonzalez | Oct 17, 2013 | hidden_category
Surpassing the Brazilian community, Venezuelans were the largest group of foreign prospective land buyers in Miami last month, according to data on web visitors from the Miami Association of Realtors’ site. Venezuelans made 114,338 visits to the website, a 47 percent...